Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC)

The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing, operating under the Ministry of Communications as part of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), shoulders the responsibility of managing Frequency Spectrum across the nation, encompassing licensing and catering to the requirements of all wireless users. This vital entity executes the statutory duties of the Central Government by issuing licenses for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of wireless stations. Structurally, WPC operates within the Department of Telecommunications under the Ministry of Communication, boasting five Regional Licensing Offices strategically stationed across the country with its headquarters situated in New Delhi ,These regional offices include.

Equipment Type Approval and Equipment Type Approval through Self-Declaration

Declaration: Importing wireless products for commercial use in India operating in delicensed frequency bands necessitates mandatory certification. This approval is contingent upon adherence to specified RF characteristics including bandwidth, emission, power, and other parameters outlined in notifications by WPC. Prior to deployment in India, all wireless products operating in license-free bands must undergo certification by WPC. Type approval is further categorized into ETA and ETA SD, with detailed distinctions provided in the accompanying table.


EQUIPMENT TYPE APPROVAL Through Self Declaration

Documentation for Type Approval

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